Sunday, January 20, 2013

why neuroscience still not opened totally ?/anybody know the reason??

A dead brain cell cannot open all truth! same is true for a brain with disorder!-----main reason !if hormone got all relation with pathway then a mouse do not open all truth! ITS better we talk about shrew!----LOL!---RADHAE RADHAE

Friday, January 18, 2013

Aordinery tube filled with air is diode but electron eject rapidly from outer surface??

A tube is diode if it consist air[body (air)] Cathode and anode vp=cathode potential ,vn=anode potential ifyou apply law of conservation v=root 2eV/m (e=1.6*10-19 m=9.1*10-31)for  250 VOLT it comes approx 9.---*106 watch carefully the velocity difference  just calculate in mind in a sec and see what is diff !say----RADHAE RADHAE!!(9.3*106 approX!)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

galileo and eddy got air so they got such result??

From pisa (MOTION)/galileo similar kind of thing done by eddy again medium was air! so ? sheet may look like book but its really smart still now theory!----why??(RADHAE RADHAE)!!!

sherrington hypothesis and bit relativity ??misconfusion you got??

sherrington talked about how muscle relux but remember the point about quick flash in our brain its much faster than gogole so?? what god made is always superior because a truly smart calculate very fast !----its SUPERMIND! THEN why do not  you believe SUPERPOWER!? ----------(proveif you are talking about it then say distance is km and taking voice is speed calculate relativity! THE imperfection is material world! there is a good relation in muscle and nerve--------what hardly talk so  still now its hypothesis and RELATIVITY is imperfection  !.say RADHAE RADHAE.

if resistance perfect magnetic property imperfect??

In resistance l and A inter change what about magnetic property again they assume something! both is imperfect!Do  not steal data!----radhae radhae

eddy current bind itself ??

Eddy  current  bind itself in a fan ?? if so  s Electron foolish  +1/2 and -1/2 do not satisfy me!-----prove! please do not steal data!radhae radhae.

That was wild carrott??

please take care about its wild variety uploaded in net! not domestic one! so be careful! ofc such research can cause harm in society and net! of course IN PRASADAM!